The NBC affiliate in Miami aired a story on the benefits of total ankle replacements featuring a local man who underwent an ankle fusion years ago, but was left without any range-of-motion in his foot. He recently received a total ankle replacement using the INBONE® Total Ankle System and the PROPHECY® Preoperative Navigation Alignment Guides from Wright Medical and was soon on his feet, walking normally and engaging in routine activities. Dr. Michael Cohen from South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine discusses his ability to customize the implant to the patient’s anatomy through a CT scan prior to the operation. A custom mold of the ankle is then produced, which helps remove the guesstimating common with other total ankle replacements.
The opinions of Dr. Cohen and his patient, and of Dr. Ari Soffer, are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Wright Medical. These results are specific to this individual only. Individual results and activity levels after surgery vary and depend on many factors including age, weight, and prior activity level. | more